Monday, September 14, 2009

Ten Things I'm Excited About Right Now (AKA: things that keep me from the bottle!)

Every now and then I find myself really excited and/or filled with lots of anticipation about certain things. Things that give me something to look forward to and help keep me sane. When these things start adding up, I will probably put them here in my blog as a list. Yeah, a list is kind of a lazy way out of a blog, but for an OCD gal like me, life is often one big list, so get used to em, I have a feeling there will be a lot of lists here at Moonkitty Mama. So without further adieu ....

Ten Things I'm Excited About Right Now

10. My new "Radio" app for my iPhone! Ok, I know this seems kinda silly since having portable radios with headphones isn't quite groundbreaking territory here. I got my first Sony Walkman Radio when I was like 11 years old back in 1982, and never took it off for like 5 straight months. I swear I was the only kid who listened to Casey Kasem's Top 40 Countdown three times every week! But I digress ... the good ole' portable radio headphones have become part of our past, and the techie graveyard like VHS tapes, or word processors. They first made way for advances like the portable cassette player, the Discman, and eventually for things like mp3 players, iPod's, iPhones and any other miriad of gadgets that can play music while you email, text, call, Facebook, Tweet, and GPS every person you have ever met at any time (and some you haven't!). So other than seeing the occassional senior citizen wearing them, antenna's up, on the treadmill, listening to commercial radio while working out might seem as dated as a Ron Burgandy mustache. However don't scoff just yet! Thanks to the IPhone and its endless goodie bag of Apps, the ability to listen to your favorite radio station while you are pushing through that early morning run is once again possible ... and without looking like you've taken Michael J. Fox's Delorian back twenty-five years! For me, there really is only one radio station I want to listen to while I workout anyway, and that is WEEI Sports Radio. I don't know about you, but I excercise better and longer when I can forget I'm well... you know.... excercising. Music becomes too background for me. Too easy to focus on the pain in my thighs or my chest or my head. Too easy to engage that part of my brain that likes to remind me of my couch and my bed and my bag of Doritos. However, things like watching television or listening to sports talk while working out, keeps my focus away from the pain away from the evil lazy thoughts. I can go a lot longer on a treadmill watching a good episode of Oprah, or run a lot further on the bike path listening to the guys on WEEI debate who has the biggest man-crush on Tom Brady. Viva la iPhone! I'm really digging your Radio App!

9. Getting more "involved" at my daughters school, and by "involved" I mean I'm aiming for being recognized by more than one person at the school not named Sophia Richardson. Yes, my youngest daughter Sophia started Kindergarten a few weeks ago, and for reasons too complicated and boring to explain here, she attends a different elementary school than my oldest daughter Isabella. Also new for me is the fact that I'm no longer a working mom. With Isabella these last few years working full-time, I was unable to be involved in much. I couldn't volunteer for things, I didn't get to attend many daytime events or class field trips. The few things I was able to attend left me very envious of those SAHM's that all seemed to know each other, to have that "SAHM mom clique" that I yearned for. Yes working moms I found out very early on, are the social outcasts at every Open House or School Play .... we have no one to sit with or no one to chat with afterwards. Its was a lonely existance, and even though I had my beloved "daycare mom clique", it didn't help me at the school functions. Now that I am a SAHM myself, with another daughter starting fresh in a new school, I am determined to get in early with that "SAHM mom clique" ... you know... so I too can stare down my nose at these lonely working moms just standing around looking desperately to assimilate. MUAHHHHHH!!!! No seriosuly, I'll actually talk with these mom's ... and here's a novel concept .... invite them to join us!!!! Ok, I'm really not that bitter I swear, but I am all about reforming the whole mom's clique crap. It's 2009, time to end the segregation people!!! Me getting involved in year one, on the kindergarten level, will be my first step to a new era! Print the bumper stickers, my campaign starts now ... Moonkitty Mama / A Mama for ALL Mamas or maybe Moonkitty Mama! She will sit next to you at the next school function! Ok, maybe that last one is a little long, but you catch my drift. I will fight to bring the SAHM's and the working moms together! I am excited about this!

8. Brody is about to walk finally .... I think .... I hope ..... Brody is my third kid. I'm not a naive new parent. This is isn't my first rodeo is what I'm saying. I wasn't always eager to have him walk. I know what a walking child means to me and to my sanity. For the first 14 months I was absolutely fine with his seemingly apathetic attitude towards getting around in an upright position. However, he's pushing 16 months now. He's in the 96% for height. He's heavy. He's wiggly and strong when I have to carry him. I have officially passed over to the WALK DAMN IT stage! I shall deal with the chasing of him when it comes, but right now I just need to be able to put him down outside. I'm excited because he's currently experimenting with standing without holding anything, and hopefully those first few steps are soon to follow. If not, I might just put him in rollerskates and give him a push! I'll keep you posted on his progress.

7. I have a Lia Sophia party on Saturday. So I haven't mentioned my little side business yet have I? Yes, even though I am a SAHM now, I do have an outlet that makes me a little extra cash, and gets me out every now and then. I love my Lia business because I basically get paid to party, and get lots of free and discounted "bling" to boot! Anyway, got me a party this Saturday afternoon. No kids, free cocktails, getting to meet new peeps, and making a litte extra $$. Now that get's me excited! Now just in case you are wondering what Lia Sophia jewelry is (and I thought you'd never ask), here's my Lia website ....

6. Isabella's soccer season. This actually started last week, but having had a first glimpse of my 8 year old's forray into U10 league, I am even more excited. Isabella has been playing soccer since she was three years old. She is really good. We've encouraged her love of the game, but have always made sure she stays on the "fun-side" of the sport as much as possible. We do have to reign in her hyperactive competative nature just a tad, because well... she is really competative. Yeah so she was throwing elbows at four, and throwing Serena-like tantrums on the field by five, but she has also been the best player on almost every team she's played on. She's routinely scored between 5-15 goals per game. She's the kid the other parents are whispering about. Her dad and I are extremely proud, but are determined not to become the obnoxious sports parents who takes our child's sports success as some sort of personal goal and accomplishment. This is her thing, and we are here to support it they best we can. We're glad she is good, and we are glad she loves it ... and although she tells us her goal is to play for the Women's US Olympic Soccer team someday, we realize that making Varsity in high school is still a pipe dream at this early point. That being said, Isabella finally moved to U10 this season. This is "the big leap" from small field to big field, small nets to big nets ...with goalies ... and real legit soccer rules, including offsides. I was, and am excited to see Isabella's transition into this next level. This is where we see if she will sink or swim as a top notch player in her age group. Whether or not she'll be good enough for a Club League next year. Isabella had her first game this past Saturday. She scored all three goals for her team and they won 3-1. So far so good. Now where is that scholarship damn it!

5a. The Baseball Playoffs are coming. As a lifelong Red Sox fan this is bizarro territory for us for sure. Ever since our World Series win in 2004, we have become pretty accustomed to getting into the playoffs. As long as we're remotely in the Division or Wild Card races, we kinda sit back and check-out until the playoffs come rolling around. Maybe it's because we as fans have gotten cocky, or bored, or more interested in the start of the football season. I think it's because as long as we are confident that we are going to get there (and we will get there this season), then NOTHING matters more than the playoffs themselves. So go ahead wake me up when the ALDS starts, and until then .... ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!?!?!?! And that leads me to part 2 of the next thing I'm excited about ....

5b. FOOTBALL!!!! For us Patriots fans, the football season starts tonight. Yes, yesterday was a nice appetizer, and it was nice to see that Brett Favre made it through an entire game without retiring, but for me the main course kicks-off at 7pm with the return of the best QB in the league back under center where he belongs. Our hopes for another awesome run to the Super Bowl are high, but as fragile as another Albert Haynesworth tackle. I know I'll be holding my breath with every drop back pass Brady takes. Yes he's nice guy, and yes he's hot, and will likey have offspring more beautiful and awe inspiring than the Sistine Chapel, but I'm a fan first and foremost, and despite conventional wisdom that women only like a players if they look good in tight pants, I root for Tom Brady because he is a winner. The fact that he is smoking hot is just the marshmellos in my hot chocolate. This brings me to big a pet peeve of mine. I've been a sports fan my entire life. I have two older brothers who had a lot to do with harvesting my enthusiasm, but I became a huge sports fan very early on. I was watching in the 70's when the Bruins were on top, the Celts were coming off a decade of dominance, the Red Sox had Yaz, Rice and Lynn, and the Patriots were the 4th most popular football team in New England, let alone sports team. Yes, I love my teams and I fly high when they win, and I go into deep depression when they lose. So in this respect I spent a lot of the 1990's depressed as hell. I do resent it when some men seem to take my fandom lightly just because I'm a "girl". As if I couldn't talk for hours about why Belichik is going back to the 4-3 after years in the 3-4, or how it was nice to finally see another good free throw shooter in Boston in Ray Allen, years after Larry raked up his 93% season in 89-90. No, instead we are derogatorily called "Pink Hats" as if wearing pink hats means we are new light-weight fly-by-night fans, only taking superficial interest in the team because they are winning and its somehow en vogue. Dude... I friggin like the color pink, so shoot me! Anyway, I am a sports fan, and I love my teams with a white hot passion of a million burning suns, and yes I happen to have boobs. I'm a woman, a mother, and a sports chic (hear me roar!). Now get used to it.

Ok, end of bitter ugly rant. Pass the nachos, I'm ready for some football. Woo hoo!!!

4. This blog! Yes, I'm very excited that I started this blog, and I look forward and am enjoying updating every week. It's given me a good healthy outlet to express myself, and document things going on in my life these days. I hope you all (the 25 or so of you) are also enjoying it too. Please also know my fake indifference to judgement is only a front. I'm really insecure and crave feedback. So I will be shamless hag and beg you for your comments at the bottom. Come on ... you can do it. Use your voice! If I don't like what you say I can always delete it anyway. Hee hee.

3. My hubby's back! Very excited about this. I do plan a future blog about my heightened paranoia and OCD tendancies that I develop while my husband goes away for any length of time, but for now lets just leave it at ... he was gone, now he's back. I love him and missed him and oh yes, I'm tired as hell after another 5 days without him .... so yeah ....I'm pretty excited he's home. The fact he reads this blog did not enter into any decision to include him on this list.

2. Our family vacation to Florida next month! Yeah, this should be number one really. Nothing gets me excited like knowing I've gotta vacation coming up. The anticipation alone is like a pool of excitement that keeps on giving and giving until the vacation gets real close and I start dreading its end before we've even left. Yeah yeah, I know ... not very "living in the moment" of me. Anyway ... we've got a week long vacation at the beach in Florida coming up in October, and without the baby even - just hubby and the girls and me! I think about my beach vacation at least 3,432 times a day. Now you also know why I'm working-out everyday too.

1. October 2nd. If you don't know why I'm excited for October 2, see last blog :)



  1. One thing I love about B² (Belichick) is that he works with what he has, and isn't afraid of what ANYBODY thinks. He has earned the respect, but it is funny when you think about what he has made here in New England, where we trade a perrenial pro bowler for a pick 2 years down the road because we won't be able to sign him, and people are ok with it. I still think back to mid season 01 when Teddy Sarandis was trying to rail out Belichick, and complained ad nausea about starting Brady over Bledsoe. We are lucky as a fandom to have owners who don't succumb to pressure from the media, and instead do what is best for thier club in the longrun. It is opposite of what we had in the 90's with Duquette, Bobby Grier et all, and it is a great thing to watch.

    It is amazing to be a Boston sports fan now, and I am enjoying every hill and valley of the ride. I know this is not normal, and some of the 20somethings really have no idea that championships are not easy. I think it is good for us because we have suffered through Yaz popping out to Nettles, Bucky Bleeping Dent, the 86' Mets, Aaron Bleeping Boone (who knew they both had the same middle name?:P) the Canadians domination over the B's, Ulf Samuelson, and many others. Because we have been at the bottom of the stomach punch loss, it makes the win that much more enjoyable. With that being said, man am I glad I am not a Buffalo fan today!

  2. Mike, thanks for leaving a comment. I guess you were the only brave soul. I totally agree with what you wrote about Belichick for sure. Hey, as long as he keeps this team a perrenial contender and definite Super Bowl threat, then I'll never doubt his decisions in the grand scheme of things. I've read the Halberstam book. I read about the mind this guy has and what makes him tick. He IS a football genius, and clearly I am not. So that's it. No questioning from me. Yes ... I am a Belichick lackey.

    As for appreciating the sports successes this decade... you hit the nail on the head. I believe the fans of our generation and older do understand the "specialness" of the last 9 years a lot more than those kids who never felt the bottom like we have. Those who have never felt the constant disappointments and let downs, and often utter hopelessness of rooting for bad (or choking) teams year after year.

    Every ying needs its yang. Without winter, you can't fully appreciate summer (trust me, I know ... I lived in Florida for 3 years!); Without indifference you can't know love. So is it with sports ... without the pain of mediocrity, you can never fully know the sheer elation of superiority. I do not take this past decade of success lightly. It can be gone in a flash. In fact I've already warned my kids that they are in for a rude awakening someday down the road, when the chickens all come home to roost ... in the cellar of all the standings! I just hope we get a few more years to ride it out.
