Friday, August 21, 2009

Moonkitty Lives! (AKA: Why I am here blogging?)

Well hello MOOOOOOONKITTY!!!!! You have been missed.

Who is Moonkitty you ask and why is this blog named after her. Well Moonkitty is not a "her", she is me. Or who I was seventeen some odd years ago when I created her in college. She was the most fearless, wonderfully crazy part of me, or at least thats how I have glorified her in my mind. I invented Moonkitty for my college Alternative Music radio show and it became my DJ identity. I think this was in 1991-92 but I'm not really certain of my memory and what Stay-At-Home Mom has the time to ponder anything as silly as important dates in our past?
(Sidenote: In all my blogs I will now use the short hand acronym for Stay at Home Mom from now on. The reason of course is because what SAHM has the friggin time to type the whole thing out!)

Well anyway, Moonkitty, or the woman who I was in college, was as Tyra Banks would say, FIERCE!!!! Sure there were many naive, foolish and downright stupid things about me back then, but there were oh so many good things too. GREAT THINGS! Its not that I don't embrace who I am now, or don't love myself. And this isn't going to be some blog where I reinvent myself and do crazy things to escape some mundane housewife malaise. Oh no, I love my life. Well usually. However, there has been something missing for awhile now, and I think I just discovered that it isn't a "thing" at all, but a "who". The "who" is that totally confident and self motivated heroine I used to know. The one never afraid to speak her mind, take risks, embrace fear, and rarely give a rat's ass what the neighbors would think. Yes, the period in my life when I was known as Moonkitty represented a part of me I've been lacking lately and I'm calling her back damnit!

So this blog is not so much about "being Moonkitty," as it is just the first action taken in rediscovering her. Moonkitty would totally have a blog.

Yes sadly though, somewhere along the way I lost my voice. I stopped feeling like what I had to say mattered in the grand scheme of things, or that people would care at all or would like what I had to say. Somewhere along the way through my twenties, getting married, having a career and kids, my self identity kinda went into the fetal position. More worried about "being accepted"and "fitting in" all these various communities became more important than being my full authentic self. However, even within the context of this little identity crisis of mine, inside I have ALWAYS been proud of who I am, of what I think, feel and believe ...I just became too afraid that others would not be. I guess I got too self conscious and repressed, and to that woman I used to be, the loss of that self expression is like death. But I am now choosing the reincarnation of Moonkitty.

Indeed Moonkitty Lives! I'm just now Moonkitty Mama, a smarter, wiser and more life-learned woman version of that former college girl. This blog will serve as my outlet to muse, reflect and share the random, sometimes funny, sad, pathetic, silly, important and frivilous things I come across in my life. But it is bigger than just me. It is about the joys and struggles we all have as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, but just told through the experiences of my life. I don't know if anyone out there will read or like this blog even as I publish new entries every week or so. I'm just a one voice here on the world wide web posting among billions. My hope is that SOMEBODY finds me here and can relate to my blogs, or heck .... at the least be mildly entertained. This is my sincere hope, but I'm done being fearful about it. I'm done overthinking it, and wondering what people will do or not do, think or not think. Whether this just becomes my personal on-line diary to help me reflect on my life, or whether it ends up speaking to thousands (or more!) I'm putting myself out there dang it. Self Expressing!!!!!

Lastly, I have been wondering why my son Brody who is nearly 15 months has been "meowing" incessantly for weeks yet not uttered more than 2 or 3 "human words". Well I may be blonde (a natural one thank you!) and a little slow.... but I get it now Brody.... you are not in need of developmental testing afterall, but you are actually a genius! You've been sending me messages from my past all this time. I hear ya buddy, and I'm finally listening. Moonkitty Lives and for now she'll be right here blogging all about it!


Kira (aka "Moonkitty Mama")

PS: Next entry tomorrow!


  1. Wow, I am your first comment. I love your blog. I have seen Moonkitty on many occasions, and I admire her spunk, and her wit. I think you are fierce, and I am looking forward to following along in your life. Coop

  2. ok... Kira Moonkitty Mama Sista - I am hooked already!!!

  3. Nice entry Kira, everyone goes through those things in life, and the good ones use it as motivation to better themselves along the way. It is great to see that you are doing just that :) Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to reading your future entries :)

